Vampire Facials in Houston | Bite-Sized Scoop of PRP Treatments

Vampire Facials in Houston | Bite-Sized Scoop of PRP Treatments

Earlier this month, we covered The Benefits of Facial Treatments, but today we’re going to sink our teeth into the skin trend that’s got everyone talking – Vampire Facials! Don’t worry, you won’t need garlic or a wooden stake for this one. 

What is a Vampire Facial and how is it performed? 

Well, it’s not Dracula’s latest skincare routine, I can tell you that much! A Vampire Facial, otherwise known as PRP Therapy (Platelet-Rich Plasma), involves taking a small sample of your blood and spinning it around in a magical centrifuge. More specifically, this nifty machine whirls your blood around at high speeds, separating the plasma from the rest of the blood components. 

This golden plasma, now all rich and concentrated, is ready for its close-up. It’s applied back onto your skin in a way that’s a bit more sophisticated than your nightly face cream routine. I’m talking about a process that involves microneedling or sometimes microdermabrasion. These tiny needles make equally tiny punctures in your skin, which allows the PRP to penetrate right where it’s needed most. Unlike your run-of-the-mill creams and serums that only work skin-deep, Vampire Facials go deeper, stimulating collagen and elastin to get things bouncy and smooth. It’s your own cells doing the heavy lifting, which is pretty neat!

Benefits of Vampire Facials

The benefits of Vampire Facials, or PRP Therapy, extend far beyond what you might initially expect. It’s not just about looking good, it’s about fostering deep, cellular changes that give your skin a total revival.

First off, let’s talk rejuvenation. Vampire Facials are like a wake-up call for your skin. The PRP, rich in growth factors, encourages your skin to increase its production of collagen and elastin. These are the key players in keeping your skin firm, taut, and resilient. Over time, as your skin naturally loses some of its youthful structure, PRP steps in to help restore it!

Then there’s the improvement in texture and tone. If you’re battling scars, hyperpigmentation, or just general unevenness, Vampire Facials can be a game-changer. The treatment promotes healing and cell turnover, gradually reducing the appearance of those pesky imperfections and giving you a smoother, more even skin tone.

Don’t forget about the natural glow! After a Vampire Facial, many of the clients at Aesthetic Lab, report that their skin has a newfound luminosity. This isn’t your typical, superficial shine; it’s a deep, inner glow that shines through as a sign of healthy, well-nurtured skin. You might find that you’re reaching for less makeup because your natural skin just looks that good.

And here’s a biggie – the results are long-lasting. Unlike some treatments that offer a quick fix, Vampire Facials provide a gradual, enduring improvement. Your skin continues to improve over the weeks and months following your treatment, and with proper care and occasional touch-ups, you can maintain those fabulous results long term.

But perhaps the most appealing benefit is the personalized nature of the treatment. Because it uses your own blood, it’s uniquely tailored to you and your body’s natural processes. This personalization not only makes the treatment more effective but also minimizes the risk of adverse reactions. It’s your body working in harmony with science to create the best version of your skin.

Ideal Candidates for Vampire Facials

Are you wondering if you’re the right type of soul to brave a Vampire Facial? Let’s demystify who stands to gain the most from this trendy treatment. Ideal candidates for Vampire Facials aren’t necessarily the creatures of the night, but rather everyday individuals seeking a rejuvenation potion for their skin.

If your mirror reflects a face with fine lines, a dull complexion, or the haunting scars of acne past, you might just be the perfect candidate! It’s ideal for mortals (would Hercules count?) looking to combat the early signs of aging or for those seeking to maintain their youthful appearance. However, it’s not a charm for everyone. Individuals with certain blood disorders, skin conditions, or an aversion to needles might need to consult their dermatologist before proceeding.

When Will You See Results from a Vampire Facial?

You’ve had your Vampire Facial in Houston, and now you’re eagerly waiting to see the magic unfold. Like watching a rose bloom, the results of a Vampire Facial aren’t instantaneous, but the wait is part of the enchantment. Typically, you might start noticing the initial glow within a week after the treatment as your skin begins to heal from the microneedling spell. However, the improvement in texture, tone, and elasticity starts to reveal itself over the course of a few weeks to months. The PRP works its charm underneath your skin, coaxing your cells into rejuvenating action long after you’ve left Aesthetic Lab!

How Long Do the Results Last from Vampire Facial? 

Vampire Facials offer results that are not just a fleeting glimpse of youth but a sustained revival of your skin’s natural beauty. The rejuvenating effects can last for months, with many clients reporting continued improvements for up to a year. Of course, the longevity of the results is a dance between the treatment and how you nurture your skin afterward. Regular skincare rituals, protection from Houston’s sun, and a healthy lifestyle all contribute to prolonging the effects. And, like anything in life, occasional touch-ups can extend the enchantment even further.

Are Vampire Facials safe?

The idea of using your own blood might sound like a page from Twilight, but in the hands of a skilled practitioner, it’s a safe and personalized art. Vampire Facials have a good safety record, primarily because they use your body’s natural resources. This minimizes the risk of allergic reactions or rejection. However, as with any treatment that involves needles and blood, there’s a small potion of risk. This is why ensuring that you’re in the care of a certified and experienced professional is crucial. At Aesthetic Lab, we use sterile equipment and follow a list of procedures to keep complications to a mere whisper. After the treatment, you might experience some redness, swelling, or bruising – you can consider these temporary tokens of the transformative process underway.

Schedule a Consultation

From the traffic jam at 610 & 59 to the tranquil rooms of Aesthetic Lab, a Vampire Facial awaits to awaken the ageless beauty that resides within you. Don’t let another moon phase pass you by. Schedule your consultation today at Aesthetic Lab, and let us guide you through every step of this wonderful experience. 

Our team of skilled estheticians are ready to tailor this treatment to your unique needs, ensuring a safe, personalized, and enchanting journey to rejuvenation. 

December 29, 2023

We work with board-certified plastic surgeons.


Dr. Jung