Leading Houston Med Spa – Where Beauty Meets Science

Leading Houston Med Spa – Where Beauty Meets Science

Ladies of H-Town, come gather ’round while I tell y’all about our city’s best kept beauty secret… Aesthetic Lab! Located in the Heights area, we’re a judgment-free medical spa where science and self-care blend together to create stunning transformations. Now I know the concept of a “medical spa” might sound a little intimidating at first. Will it hurt? How much downtime is there? What if I come out looking crazy or fake? I’ve heard it all, but we’re different!

The vibe at our spa in Houston is somewhere between your favorite salon, a magical laboratory, and maybe your college roommate’s bedroom (decor-wise, we promise we’re much tidier!). Yeah, it’s that chill. The genuine warmth among the staff is noticeable the moment you step through our sleek doors. I’m excited to tell you about some of our most highly acclaimed beauty treatments in the Greater Houston area!

EZGel – “Blood Magic” at Our Houston Med Spa

Trust me, I also did a double take when I first heard that EZGel entails using one’s own blood for fillers. However, the way we employ your plasma is nothing short of wizardry! We draw a small sample of your blood, centrifuge away the red cells, isolate the good stuff (like growth factors and stem cells) then re-inject this golden elixir to stimulate new collagen production. Intrigued? Read more: PRF EZGel in Houston PRP

You basically get natural looking volume without side effects like migration or rejection.

PiXeL8-RF – A Cosmetic Hot Tub For Your Face

Imagine sending your skin cells on a relaxing and rejuvenating vacay to a tropical destination…while never actually leaving our comfy treatment rooms! That’s exactly what our acclaimed PiXeL8-RF experience feels like according to clients.

Using pixelated radiofrequency energy waves, we gently heat the deeper dermal layers to stimulate new collagen and elastin production. This process also tightens things up, easing fine lines and wrinkles better than any fancy cream or serum. Most first timers – men and women, continue marveling at their smooth, glowing complexion long after the session ends. Read more: PiXeL8 and EZ Gel – The Perfect Pair

PDO Thread Lift – Non-Surgical Skin Tightening!

What if I told you we could lift and contour your features without any cutting, anesthesia, or significant recovery downtime? Say hello to PDO Threads. It’s one of our most popular and dramatic treatments that instantly erases years off your appearance.

At our med spa in Houston, we use ultrafine medical grade threads made of absorbable polydioxanone (PDO) inserted carefully under the skin. This allows you to achieve a subtle lift while also building collagen. There’s zero maiming involved, just expert placement using the tiniest of needles. You’ll thank us when you notice a tighter jawline, lifted cheeks and smoothed brow lines. However, the longer term collagen stimulating effects from the dissolved threads are an even more phenomenal transformation. Read more: PDO Thread Lift in Houston

Semaglutide – An Injection for Your Waistline!

Semaglutide, or as you may know it, Ozempic, was originally formulated to help manage diabetes and metabolic conditions. While novel peptide medication helps regulate insulin, it even helps suppress appetite and aids with sustainable fat loss. The inches seem to just melt off within weeks alongside a surge in overall wellness. While the physical shift is incredible, my favorite part is witnessing that renewed vibrancy and zest for life return to clients. Being unchained from restrictive diets, gut issues, inactivity and medications lets people shine bright. Read more: Semaglutide Weight Loss in Houston

Vampire Facials – Fangtastic!

Oh yes, you read that correctly! The anti-aging/complexion treatment du jour for celebs and influencers contains two magic ingredients: your blood (like our EZGel) and a micro needling device. Cue the horror movie screams! Thankfully, vampire facials here at our medspa are NOT gory or terrifying (for you or us!). Named for the special platelet rich plasma (PRP) gel derived from your blood, this procedure pairs your own regenerative growth factors with needling that diminishes scars, builds collagen, and leaves skin utterly radiant.

Customized serums further tailor the experience to target specific aging concerns like fine lines, dull tone, or large visible pores that drive you bonkers. Results accumulate session over session for a nice, gradual red carpet refresh. Just expect some complexion compliments from friends who start to wonder what fountain of youth you discovered! Read more: Vampire Facials in Houston

Botox – Freeze Away Those Frowny Lines!

Listen, I get it – sometimes life gives us reasons to frown and furrow our brows. And hey, laughter lines show you’ve lived a joyful life! But too much squinting and frowning etches lines into your pretty face.This is where Botox sweeps in to help relax your overactive muscles! Just a few tiny injections paralyzes muscles to soften visible wrinkles. One less thing to wrinkle your brow over, right? The best part – results last 3-4 months so you can keep rocking that breezy, wrinkle-free glow! Why let your face reveal how you really feel about someone’s Instagram story? Keep them guessing with a smooth, unfazed expression.

Kybella – Say “Bye-Bye!” to Double Chins

Is your full, gorgeous face hiding behind an unwanted double chin? Just a few quick Kybella injections under the chin deliver deoxycholic acid to the fat cells, permanently destroying them. The fat dissolves away gradually for a smooth, slim profile that emerges like a graceful swan from still waters! Jawlines and confidence are snatched just like that! No scalpels, no downtime, just effortless fat elimination with Kybella. I just thought of the perfect tagline for this… “Kybella – because your chin should not be photobombing your fabulous selfies.” Read more: Kybella for Double Chin

FAQ – answered by our experts!

“Does getting dermal fillers or Botox hurt? I’m a bit of a wimp with needles.”

Needles can freak all of us out, even me! But our injectors must take classes on soothing and distraction or something because their technique is magic. They apply numbing cream so you barely feel the teeny prick. Chatting you up the whole time, playing your favorite music – whatever you need to stay relaxed. Most clients are shocked when we tell them we’re all done. No pain, no tears… just gorgeous results that will make you forget about those tiny needles!

“How long do those injectables actually last?”

Of course you want the deets on how often to maintain that youthful goddess-ness (that’s a word, right?) Let’s start with wrinkle-relaxing Botox – that baby keeps working its magic for a good 3-4 months. No fine lines or crow’s feet in sight! However, you may find that fillers are a better option for you; depending on which we use, they can plump and lift anywhere from 6 months to over a year! I’ve had gals come back convinced their lips or cheeks are as full as the day they left here. We’ll go over everything to expect so you know just when to come see us for your next beautifying fix!

“Can I get a facial and Botox on the same day?”

Yes ma’am, doubling up on skincare and injectables during one visit is absolutely encouraged. Get that deep cleansing facial to purify and refresh your skin first. Then we’ll finish off with wrinkle-relaxing Botox to keep things silky smooth! You’ll be walking out with a glowing, glass-skin facial AND a flawless botox brow. We’re all about maximizing that treatment time so your days are freed up for more important things – like gazing lovingly at your newly perfected reflection!

“Does the EZGel process hurt?”

Great q! Let’s break this down step-by-step. The initial blood draw feels just like any routine stick – no big thing. Then we numb you up real nice before injecting that custom gel we whipped up. Most clients are so busy gabbing about their upcoming vacay, they barely even realize the EZGel is going in! . From blood to beautifying filler injections, the process is so seamless and relatively pain-free. Just a few moments of discomfort for a year of waking up gorgeous!

“How long until I see results from EZGel, and how long do they last?”

Another awesome thing about EZGel is that natural, subtle perfecting as your own plasma works its magic. Most women notice a “wait…did I always have this glow?” brightness and plumping starting around week 2 or 3. Then 3 months in, be prepared for the full mouth-dropping, show-stopping results! Once your body fully absorbs and renews that EZGel completely into your system, your custom enhancement can keep you looking gorgeous for over a year in some cases!

“Is there downtime after a Kybella treatment?”

Alright, let’s address the chin fat elephant in the room! So with Kybella destroying and dissolving those stubborn fat cells, you will likely experience some swelling, bruising, numbness, or tenderness for about a week afterward. And it may feel “tight” as that skin adjusts to your newly chiseled jawline and tighter neck! Rest assured – you can work, play, live life without hiding indoors. But if you’re feeling a bit self-conscious during the healing process, then schedule accordingly! The majority of visible swelling fades around 5-7 days. 

“How many Kybella treatments will I need?”

That varies based on your unique chin fat composition, overall health, age, and degree of slim-down you’re going for! Most women can rock a killer jawline transformation in 2-4 tailored Kybella sessions spaced out every 4-8 weeks or so. But some need up to 6 visits to tackle and eliminate every stubborn fatty deposit for their ultimate goal shape. During your consultation, we’ll poke and prod while you make sassy faces to map out a custom fat-blasting plan. 

“Does the PDO Thread Lift procedure hurt?”

We apply a super effective numbing agent first so you’ll be nice and comfy. You might notice some dull pressure or weird tugging sensations as we work those dissolvable lifting threads under your skin. But most thread virgins are so distracted by our amazing therapists and their soothing touch, they forget a procedure is even happening! At most, mild tightness or achiness later on. These easy lifts are the closest you can get to a surgical facelift without any pain or lengthy downtime!

“How long do the effects of a PDO Thread Lift last?”

These instant face-lifting threads truly give you the gift of gorgeous aging! You’ll leave your appointment visibly snatched, defined and contoured in all the right places. Over the next few months, your body will start producing collagen where we placed the threads, allowing that lift to improve even more. That means smoothly dissolving absorbable thread + boosted collagen = anti-aging perfection! Although the threads themselves fade after around 6 months, women keep turning heads thanks to that renewed collagen plumping everything up for 1-2 years post-lift! A little investment goes a long way when preventing skin sag.

Book Your Appointment

Whew, still with me? Here’s the thing that I believe truly sets us apart from other luxe Houston med spas… our services aren’t just about chasing aesthetic perfection or turning back time. They’re carefully crafted confidence boosters intended to bring out your radiance along with a soul-deep appreciation for your one-of-a-kind beauty.

So, while some medical spas focus solely on injectables and incisions for cosmetic corrections, we go deeper. If you’re looking for real talk, transparency and transformation, come join the Aesthetic Lab family. Schedule a Consultation Online, or give us a call to learn about medical spa services – 346.808.8177 

March 4, 2024

We work with board-certified plastic surgeons.


Dr. Jung